Documentation for the CLI

FlexibleSpacecraft.jl offers a useful CLI tools to accelerate your development of the spacecraft. This documentation illustrates the basic settings and configurations of the CLI tool.

Pre-process of the simulation parameters

You need to prepare all of the parameters for simulation in the following manner.

You need to an YAML file that specifies the locaton of the parameter setting files for the each subsystem.

  • spacecraft.yml: parameters for the spacecraft itself and its model formulation
  • orbit.yml: parameters for the orbital motion
  • disturbance.yml: parameters for the disturbance input
  • simconfig.yml: configuration files for the simulation
  • initvalue.yml: configuration of initial value for the simulation

The location of these files should be addressed in the YAML file like:

name: Test parameters # Name of the parameters setting
dates: "2022/04/20" # Date (Optional)
notes: "This YAML file is only for testing the CLI" # Notes (Optional)

# Specify the relative path of the parameter configuration files (Required) 
# These file locations should be declared in this file, otherwise, the software gives an error
    model: "spacecraft.yml"
    orbit: "orbit2.yml"
    disturbance: "disturbance.yml"
    simconfig: "simconfig.yml"
    initvalue: "initvalue.yml"

Save this file as YAML files like params.yml. In the following documentation, we will use params.yml.

Commands and basic usage

evalspacecraft is the topmost basic CLI command for FlexibleSpacecraft.jl. You need to type the subcommand to specify what you want to do with FlexibleSpacecraft.jl.

$ evalspacecraft <command>

Subcommands are listed as follows:

  • update: update and rebuild the FlexibleSpacecraft.jl. Recommended to use this subcommand at the first time you use FlexibleSpacecraft.jl
  • run <configfilepath>: run simulation based on the given parameter settings and configurations
  • clear: remove package FlexibleSpacecraft.jl

You can also use the following flags:

  • -h, --help: show help
  • -V, --version: show version information


$ evalspacecraft -V

Suppose you have the parameter setting file params.yml in your current working directory. You can run simulation with the predefined parameters with following command.

$ evalspacecraft run params.yml --save

--save is a flag that specifies wheather to save the simulation data or not. False by default.

To test the CLI system, please try the shellscript /test/ in the GitHub repository. This will help you to find out how to use our CLI system.