Disturbance input to attitude dynamics

Disturbance input for attitude motion is crucial to model how the spacecraft attitude changes from the effect of the outer environment. FlexibleSpacecraft.jl offers a disturbance input generation feature.

Disturbance input models

  • Constant torque input
  • Gravitational torque input

Parameter settings for disturbance input

You need an parameter setting YAML file to configure the disturbance input to the spacecraft. The file is presented as follows:

# set `property` distconfig to indicate that this file configures the disturbance input
property: distconfig

# set constant torque input with 3-d vector, define it to be [0, 0, 0] if no constant torque is applied
constant torque: [0.05, 0, 0]
# Boolean to select if the gravitational torque is considered or not.
gravitational torque: false


function gravity_gradient_torque(inertia, orbit_angular_velocity, C_ECI2Body, C_ECI2LVLH, LVLHframe_z)

Function that returns gravity gradient torque


  • Inertia matrix
  • Angular velocity of the orbit
  • Transfromation matrix from ECI frame to body frame
  • Transformation matrix from ECI frame to LVLH frame
  • Z-vector of LVLH frame