Core implementation of the simulation feature

This docs provides more detailed information on how FlexibleSpacecraft.jl executes simulation with provided submodules.

Simulation interface

Function runsimulation() is the top-most implementation of the simulation feature of FlexibleSpacecraft.jl.

runsimulation(model, initvalue::TimeLine.InitData, orbitinfo::Orbit.OrbitInfo, distconfig::DisturbanceConfig, simconfig::SimulationConfig)::Tuple

Function that runs simulation of the spacecraft attitude-structure coupling problem


  • model: Dynamics model of the system
  • initvalue::InitData: Inital value of the simulation physical states
  • distconfig::DisturbanceConfig: Disturbanve torque input configuration
  • simconfig::SimulationConfig: Simulation configuration ParameterSetting


Return is tuple of (time, attitudedata, orbitdata)

  • time: 1-D array of the time
  • attitudedata: StructArray of trajectory of the physical amount states of the spacecraft system
  • orbitdata: StructArray of the orbit state trajectory


(time, attitudedata, orbitdata) = runsimulation(model, initvalue, orbitinfo, distconfig, simconfig)